Exhibitor Info
The Classic at Twin Birch will offer both Registered Haflinger classes
PLUS Open all-breed classes, with championships awarded in both!
Thursday, August 15th
Open Intro, Training & First Level Dressage
Friday, August 16th
Haflinger Halter, Youth Showmanship, Trail, Western
Saturday, August 17th
English, Hunter Flat & Fence, Hunter Derby
Sunday, August 18th
Open Driving (Dressage, Timed Obstacles, $100 Cone Scurry, Pleasure Driving)
Entries open May 20th and close August 1st.
Early entry pricing if postmarked by July 1st - enter now!
Entry Form Corrections:
Tack Stall Fees are $200 per stall FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW,
not $200 per stall per day as indicated on the original entry form.
Tack stalls may be shared.
Also, there is no fee to show off your trailer for the day, please ignore the $20 per day trailer fee as indicated on the original entry form. No horses are allowed to be overnighted on or in a trailer.
Due to popular demand, we are adding class #13A - First Level & Above Test of Choice. Please note, all dressage tests across all levels will be ridden in a small 20m x 40m dressage arena.
NOTE: Haflingers registered with any other country recognized by the World Haflinger Federation is invited to participate in Haflinger classes at The Classic.
The updated prize list & entry are now posted on our website. Thank you!